Start seeds in late summer. Sow seeds 2” deep in medium to large clay/plastic pots, 10-12” in diameter, with loamy garden soil mixed with extra perlite or sand for good drainage. Water them in well. Dig the pots into the soil outside for an insulated protection through the winter. Mulch with leaves. Seeds will germinate in the late summer, but will not pop up until the spring. Germination TAKES UNTIL THE SECOND SPRING, because of double dormancy nature of the seeds with a hard outer seed coat. When seeds sprout, water in pots through growing season. Transplant only in the fall. They flower after their third year of growth, but take several years of immature flowers to show their mature form. Soil pH 7.
Planting Depth
2"Plant Spacing
3’Row Spacing
3’Days To Maturity
RefrigeratePart Shade,
Moist Well Drained Soil