There are two centers of this species that occurred independently of each other. The first (C. pepo subsp. pepo) occurred in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago. The second (C. pepo subsp. ovifera) in what is now the southeastern U.S. about 4,000 years ago. Originally cultivated for their edible seed. Native Americans planted squash in the Three Sisters Guild with beans and corn. Corn as a trellis for beans, beans to fix nitrogen in the soil and squash to suppress weeds as boarder to neighbor’s crops. Cucurbita pepo varieties includes acorn, delicata, pattypan, spaghetti, sweet dumpling, yellow crookneck, zucchini and some pumpkin varities. Zucchini was cultivated in Italy as a hybrid from the cucumber. Zucca is the Italian word for squash. Also known as winter squash. Delicious sumer squash recipes.