Start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost, plant out 3–6 weeks before frost. For fall harvest, transplant 8 weeks before first frost, without additional protection. In a hoophouse, you can plant 2-3 weeks later. Leaves become sweeter during winter greenhouse growing. Direct sow 1–2 weeks after soil can be worked above 55˚F. Late fall varieties sow in September for baby leaf, sow in 2-4” wide band, 1” apart, sow every 2 weeks for a continuous harvest. Control weeds early to help slow growing seedlings. Triple rinse harvest, remove broken leaves, store at 32˚F for 10-14 days. Soil pH 6.5-7.5. Hardiness zones 5-9. Annual.
Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 2,240 seeds per ounce. Average 290M seeds per acre. Federal germination standard: 60%. Usual seed life: 5 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 5-10 miles.
Planting Depth
1/2”Soil Temp. Germ.
55-65˚FDays to Germ.
6-21Plant Spacing
6-9”Row Spacing
12-18”Days To Maturity
45-50Full Sun,
Moist Well Drained