Start indoors 10–12 weeks before last frost, plant out 1 week after frost. For fall harvest, transplant 3 weeks before first frost, without additional protection. In a hoophouse, you can plant 2-3 weeks later. Bolting is caused by 10 days below 55˚F, when hardening off for transplant, reduce water 7-10 days. Do not harden off celery by lowering temperatures. Can handle heat and consistent moisture but prefers cool temps between 60-70˚F. Requires fertility for best crop. Garden harvest by cutting outside stalks as needed. For market remove outward growing stems and leaves, cut entire plant just below ground. Seeds require light to germinate, press into soil, do not cover. Soil pH 6.1-7.0. Hardiness zones 7. Biennial.
Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 56,000 seeds per ounce. Federal germination standard: 55%. Usual seed life: 8 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 3 miles.
Planting Depth
surface requires light
Soil Temp. Germ.
60-75˚FDays to Germ.
14-21Plant Spacing
8”Row Spacing
24–36”Days To Maturity
110–120Full Sun,
Moist Well Drained