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150 Seeds

Qty: 1 - $3.50

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US Imperial
Direct Sow

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US Imperial

Number of Seeds: 0

Seeds per 100 feet: 0


fakir-radish Fakir Raphanus sativus

Direct sow March to August every 2-3 weeks to have a continuous supply. Thin to 1” when plants are 2” tall. For fall harvest, transplant 5 weeks before first frost, without additional protection. In a hoophouse, you can plant 2-3 weeks later. Radishes grow best if sown in spring or later summer when days are shorter. The small, fast-maturing spring radishes, also called summer radishes, take about 60 days to size up and only remain edible for 10 days to 2 weeks when stored at 34˚F. For fall harvest, direct sow 5 weeks before first frost. The larger, slower growing biennial winter radishes are used as a winter storage vegetable that can remain edible for 4 to 6 months in storage. Soil pH 6.5-7.0. Hardiness zones 3. Annual.

Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 2,240 seeds per ounce. Average 1,000M seeds per acre. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life: 5 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1/2 mile.

Planting Depth 1/4-1/2”
Soil Temp. Germ. 45-80˚F
Days to Germ. 4-11
Plant Spacing 1”
Row Spacing 8-12”
Days To Maturity 26
Full Shade, Moist Well Drained


  • Fakir radish image####

  • 250 Seeds$3.50
  • 2500 Seeds$15.50
A French radish with smooth, uniform, round, red roots with white tips. Good flavor; short tops. Tags: Color: Bi-Colored, Shape: Round, Season: Spring Fall Winter, Seed: Safe Seed Pledge.
  • Fakir radish image####


fakir-radish Fakir Raphanus sativus
A French radish with smooth, uniform, round, red roots with white tips. Good flavor; short tops. Tags: Color: Bi-Colored, Shape: Round, Season: Spring Fall Winter, Seed: Safe Seed Pledge.

Direct sow March to August every 2-3 weeks to have a continuous supply. Thin to 1” when plants are 2” tall. For fall harvest, transplant 5 weeks before first frost, without additional protection. In a hoophouse, you can plant 2-3 weeks later. Radishes grow best if sown in spring or later summer when days are shorter. The small, fast-maturing spring radishes, also called summer radishes, take about 60 days to size up and only remain edible for 10 days to 2 weeks when stored at 34˚F. For fall harvest, direct sow 5 weeks before first frost. The larger, slower growing biennial winter radishes are used as a winter storage vegetable that can remain edible for 4 to 6 months in storage. Soil pH 6.5-7.0. Hardiness zones 3. Annual.

Days from maturity calculated from the date of seeding. Average 2,240 seeds per ounce. Average 1,000M seeds per acre. Federal germination standard: 75%. Usual seed life: 5 years. Isolation distance for seed saving: 1/2 mile.

Planting Depth 1/4-1/2”
Soil Temp. Germ. 45-80˚F
Days to Germ. 4-11
Plant Spacing 1”
Row Spacing 8-12”
Days To Maturity 26
Full Shade, Moist Well Drained

